Caistor Rocks

This week sees the launch of our latest Art Project - Caistor Rocks

Put simply a painted pebble exchange!

We have engaged with local artists, children and some of our volunteers to create art on pebbles that show “What Lincolnshire means to me…”

We have had some lovely examples of local landmarks, landscapes and produce, plus Nettleton Community Primary School have provided us with a collection of rainbow rocks for our wall.

If you would like to join in, this is a simple guide…

1. Paint Rock (pebbles available from centre)

2. Hide Rock (place in display book on the wall)

3. Find Rock (choose one from the display)

4. Post Rock (share on social media)

5. Spread Joy

We hope you will join us in creating art to share in the community or even better take a rock when visiting another town or village.

All we ask is when you create masterpieces to add #CaistorRocks to the back so we can track them as they move around!

Happy Painting!

Clare Kendall